mandag den 13. december 2010

Santa on a unicycle playing the pipes

Common day stuff...

torsdag den 9. december 2010

Electric eel lights up Christmas tree


søndag den 5. december 2010

Merry Christmas... BITCH!

Hehe - She had it coming..

onsdag den 1. december 2010

Christmas Light Compitalion

It's time to decorate the house :-)

tirsdag den 23. november 2010

Christmas Lights to the merry sound of Slayer

There's nothing that says Christmas like the sound of the heavy metal band Slayer

mandag den 22. november 2010

Drunk santa

Santa's on the way home, but not 100% sober :-)

fredag den 8. januar 2010

Alternative use of the Christmas Tree

As a rocket..

mandag den 4. januar 2010

How to get a christmas tree in style
